Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Settling for a Mess

My Dearest Corwynne,
I find my self looking back fondly on my self imposed exile from the settlement. Since my return I have spent my time cleaning up bits of the trim of nightmares and trying to come up with a pattern for the new trim. This use of my time has Leggs in a lather again. He thought that we would just go on picnics or something. I suppose this would have been possible if he had made sure that the settlement stayed tidy in my absence. Considering how fastidious they all are about there personal appearances you would think that they might have picked up after themselves every once in a while, but alas they did not.
Leggs is also upset that I spend time with other people in the real world. I guess that he didn't notice when I was visiting the settlement, but when I was not there he began to ask what I was doing with my time. He found out that I went to Maryland for a wedding and that there were men there, and he was not amused. His jealous streak is really starting to wear me out. I have had to agree to spending most of Thanksgiving in the settlement to get him to stop annoying me. I would hate to have to return to the time of the hearth, but he might just push me there.
In other news, a friend of mine has a friend who writes LOTR fanfic.(Imagine spending all that time writing about things that aren't real.) Anyway, she has some great icons and this is one that I knew you and the king would enjoy.

Your Affectionate Friend,

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