Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Fun in Henneth Annun

My Dearest Corwynne,

I don't know if you have gone on our trip with the boys yet, but we went this weekend and had a lovely time. The weather was perfect and the boys were very amusing. They spent their time being manly. They made a lovely camp and then went hunting...All the while being sure to keep an eye out for orcs and other servants of the dark one. It really is kind of sad that there are none left for them to chase for days on end. Who knew that they would end up so desperate for something to do when their enemies were all destroyed? You got a lot of tapestry work done while we were there, so if you haven't gone yet, rest assured that you had a pleasant and productive time when ever you choose to go.

We got back to the settlement yesterday to find a wedding reception was in progress. It was complete with congratulatory banners and cakes....They even threw rice when we arrived. It took quite sometime to convince them that no one had gotten married, and once convinced they were not amused. They were especially upset with Leggs, as though he had some how lead them to believe there was going to be a wedding......What fun.

Any way, that is all the news from the settlement. Hope the white city is fairing well.
Your affectionate friend,

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