Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Decorating and Babies

My Dearest Corwynne,

It seems that, I too, have been remiss in my correspondence. I have nothing like you excuses. Simple laziness is all I have to blame it on.

I am glad to hear that your time with the Elves was restful (mostly) and overjoyed that it has not yet become permanent. I am sorry that you had such trouble with the press. I saw some of their renderings and I do not think they did you justice. Of course, the one of Gladders leaving the restroom in the middle of the night is priceless. We framed our copy and it is above the mantle in our settlement house.

Speaking of the settlement, it has been a very long time since I updated you on the construction around here. The home that Leggs and I share is complete. We even added a room for the sons in case they ever manage the intricacies of reality jumping. It is quite cozy and I enjoy my time there very much. The settlement as a whole is also pretty much complete. I say pretty much because it was finished until Leggs jumped back to the settlement after watching HGTV at my house.

So now it is the decoration phase of the construction. And I have to say it is getting a bit strange. The current plan for our meeting hall is to make it look like an opium den. Words cannot express my disappointment at this. Oh well, elves will be elves and you know how they love the drama.

Leggs and I greatly enjoyed you Samhain party. It was so nice to see everyone again. I thought it was very amusing that people have thought that I could see the King in this reality. When Rhyannon arrived and asked if he was there and I had to ask you, she seemed to be even more confused by this than most people are about the whole reality jumping thing in the first place. Either way it was nice to have her there, except....well, Leggs is completely in love with her daughter, the benevolent dictator. He wants us to have a baby. Luckily, when I expressed consern that while pregnant the baby would only be with me in one reality or the other and how we did not know what effect this might have on a fetus he agreed that it probably isn't a good idea.

I kept having flashes of a womb hanging in mid air with a baby inside...just floating around the settlement. Highly amusing and very unsettling at the same time!

I believe that is all I have to report. Things are quite uneventful around here and in the settlement. I hope that with your shows driving you crazy that things in the White City are peaceful.

Your affectionate friend,

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