Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Offical Homeowner

My Dearest Corwynne,

It has been so very long since I have been able to write, I hardly know where to begin.

I am very glad to hear that the King enjoyed Wellspring. He really does need to get out among the common people more often, it seems to please him. I am sure he is looking forward to what should be a fabulous Pennsic this year, and at least there he doesn't have pull his punches. It is also great that he was able to be there when you were sworn in...nice to have a bit of imaginary emotional support.

I hope that your dinner goes beautifully and I can't wait to see you on Saturday for the Great Day of Table Making. It should be fun. If the King decides to come with you you should let him know that Leggs will probably not be there. He is sort of mad at me at the moment and has decided to go on a long hunt until Pennsic.

See, in preparation for the move I got a dumpster. And I was sort of in love with it. Seriously, I want one all the time. And when I wrote about it in my live journal ( and referred to it as my new love, he was angry. Not angry enough to say anything, but then a few days ago I wrote again about Matt and Dan. Matt and Dan were the lovely gentlemen who came to the house to install the cable and the internet. I wrote about how they were helping to ease the pain of the loss of the dumpster. It appears that that was the last straw.

As it turns out, Leggs had shown my live journal to several of his more computer savvy elf friends and they had been teasing him about it. And when the cable men had taken what he felt was his place in my life he couldn't take it anymore. So this morning he packed his quiver and he was off. I can't say that I am sad about it. With all the unpacking that is left to do his moodiness was gonna get him smacked. (Have you ever smacked an elf? It isn't a smart thing to do.) As always, it will be fine in the end. He will be back in time to be no help with the Pennsic packing and once there he will be off communing with nature whenever it is time to take out the trash or lift something other words everything will be back to normal.

Any way, there is still much unpacking to do, and I would like to get as much done as I can before you get here on Saturday, so I will have to sign off. Give my best to the King.

Your affectionate friend,

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Painting and Cleaning

My Dearest Kendrah,

I hope this letter finds you well. I realize you will be occupied most of this weekend getting you and the Sons moved into your new home, but it's been a while since I've written. Read whenever you get a chance!

I too survived War Practice. It was pleasant, too bad about the rain Saturday night. The next weekend was Wellspring. Aragorn decided to come along this time. Apparently he's gotten over his initial dislike of my "heathen displays" and thought he'd join in. And it was another excuse to go camping and avoid paperwork! As usual, he spent most of the time drinking beer, hiking and writing poetry. He joined in the warrior games too, but really pulled his punches. He thought that since he wasn't a real ADF member, or for that matter, real at all, it would be better to let someone win. It was nice that he was there when i got sworn onto the board of directors. He can be very supportive at times!

I'm in cleaning mode. I have to get the house ready for my Midsummer's Eve Faerie Dinner. You wouldn't believe the dust on everything! (Well, yes you've cleaned my house before). Anyway, I got most of the dusting done and tidied up the back room a bit. I still need to mop all the floors and clean the kitchen, but there's time. My project yesterday was painting the bathroom. I have to say, the King was more helpful than usual. He even scrubbed the mildew off the ceiling! I guess with all his Elven experience, he understands how much the Fair Folk appreciate a clean bathroom. I was so excited to put up my new shower curtain and finally set out my new rug and trash can! I've had my old shower curtain since 1991! I hardly recognize the place!

BTW, Faramir and Eowyn plan to join us for table-making. I'm not sure how useful they'll be, but they seem to think a day in Conneaut would be splendid fun! I can't wait 'til they see power tools!! Kathryn and I bought 12 or so napkins at the Highland Park Yard Sale last weekend. I'll get those all washed and ironed. I plan to sew up the tablecloths and bring them when we make the tables. That way all the linens will be together. (We also looked for wooden folding chairs but has no luck. Very disappointing.)

I'm anxious to start making some garb for Sam. Aragorn offered to loan him some stuff, but I think Sam would prefer his own garb. He's fussy! If I get the rest of the house cleaned this week, I'll start in on some basics. Sam plans to come over next weekend so I'd like to have something for him to see!

Well, I should get going. It's garbage night and there's a lot to haul. I still can't get the king to take out the trash. Best of luck with your move. I look forward to hearing from you!

Your affectionate Friend,