Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Joy of Legolas

My dearest Corwynne,

The new years festivities are such a blur in my mind that it may be a while before I can relive them in letter form. But my overall sense is that they were a great success.

In other news, Leggs can hardly contain himself. On Easter Sunday, my real world husband decided that this marriage thing had been real fun and all, but it is time for him to move on. As if this weren't enough to keep Leggs happy, the fact that he choose to break this news on Easter which falls just 6 days after our wedding anniversary has him convinced that there is no chance that I can forgive him when he comes to his senses and wants to come home. He is now certain that I will accept his dwelling offer. Therefore the dwell with me, dwell with me chant has begun again.

We shall have to wait and see how things turn out. In the meantime, my added real world responsibilities may limit the time I have to spend in the settlement and in these writings. So I may go a while without writing, but eventually I will get everything worked out and things can begin again as usual.

I am off to clean the kitchen and find some duct tape to put on Leggs' mouth. I will write again when I can.

Your affectionate friend,

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